Client Case Studies

Claire Calvert | @claire123

Claire came to me a few months before her wedding looking to optimise her skin health for the big day. We decided to try two different treatments, one month apart, to measure which worked best for her skin and would give the results she was after.

For her first treatment we chose dermaplaning as this gives a smoother base for makeup application, and due to the removal of vellus “peach fuzz” hair will make the skin photograph beautifully. The second treatment we chose was a 90 minute cleansing facial. This treatment is slightly less abrasive and therefore lowers the risk of any mild - but nonetheless unwanted - reactions or breakouts. Though these are very rare, it’s always best to be cautious.

Claire kept a skin diary following her treatments so she would know exactly what to expect from her skin after each respective facial and concluded that dermaplaning was the treatment for her.

If you have the time and means, it’s worth thinking about your skin a few months ahead of any big event such as a wedding. This helps put your mind at ease and eliminate unneeded stress in the final lead up to your big day.

Sam Morris | @justsammorris

I meet so many people who tell me they’ve had a facial before but it wasn’t a great experience. Sam was one of those people. I hear versions of:
“They just slapped a load of products on me and that was it”
“She put a hot towel over my face and left the room for fifteen minutes”
“My skin was red raw afterwards”
In many ways, I like hearing this because there’s something so satisfying in helping to reshape someone’s view of facials by giving them a great treatment. Sam was understandably dubious (following a bad experience at a well known chain of spas), but when I asked how his treatment with me had compared he said:
“Loved it. It was f**king amazing.”
Job done!

Adam Redford | @mradamredford

Adam has great skin, but in recent years has seen an increase in hyperpigmentation - despite wearing sunscreen daily.

Many people don’t realise that hyperpigmentation can take years to show, so those brown patches that suddenly started appearing in your early thirties could very well be the result of sunburn sustained as a child.

Microneedling can help by physically breaking up the pigment and allowing your body to dispose of it. This usually takes anywhere between three to six sessions, and it’s worth noting that you’ll want to commit to wearing sunscreen on a daily basis during and after your treatment, otherwise the hyperpigmentation will return.

Sam takes great care of his skin, so there were no immediate concerns to tackle. He was, however, in the middle of a busy filming schedule, so we opted for a treatment that didn’t require downtime and would allow him a moment of calm.

My dermaplaning facial gently resurfaces the skin using a surgical grade scalpel and is great at providing noticeably brighter, softer and dewy skin. The facial is low risk and results are instant.

The treatment is also incredibly relaxing as it includes a neck, shoulder, hand and arm massage, as well as a cryotherapy facial massage that further stimulates skin brightening.

Sam Salter | @sammsalter

Louis McMiller | @mcmilagram

It’s not uncommon for people who have never had issues with their skin to start having breakouts - particularly in Winter.

Ideally you’d want to see a practitioner who can assess your skin and help determine the root cause, though - with so many factors at play - this is not always straightforward (diet, hormones, lifestyle, environment, products, emotion wellbeing etc).

After experiencing a change in his skin health, Louis needed a treatment to aid recovery, as well as help tweaking his skin care routine to manage breakouts.

After dermaplaning to stimulate cell turnover, we used LED blue light therapy to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, resulting in calmer and clearer skin.

Mara Galeazzi | @maragaleazzi73

Mara was looking for some respite in the middle of an intense working period so I put together a super relaxing treatment that would give her skin a lift but also let her body find calm.

My 90 minute Cleansing Facial contains three massage elements - perfect for relaxation.

The first is a face, neck and shoulder massage to stimulate circulation and lymph drainage. The second is a restorative hand and arm massage whilst the skin benefits from a custom facial mask. Then we finished with a calming cryotherapy massage to encourage further drainage of toxins and waste from the face.

The treatment left Mara’s skin fresh and renewed, as well as offering her the moment of serenity she needed.

Rosie Robinson | @rosiewood_x

Rosie came to me two weeks before her wedding looking for an immediate glow up and boost of hydration. We opted for a superficial to medium depth chemical peel to help brighten and resurface the skin. The downtime with this treatment is around 5-7 days, so we knew Rosie’s skin would be well healed in time for the wedding.

For anyone wanting to undergo treatments in preparation for a wedding or important event, I would always encourage you to avoid trying something new just before the big day. If you’re able to, test run the treatment/therapist/clinic at least three months before, just to reduce the chance of any issues arising and to put your mind at ease.

If you’re unable to do this and you’re having a treatment close to the event, ensure your therapist knows what you have coming up and opt for something non-invasive and minimally abrasive.

Jacob Maynard | @maynard___

Jacob takes great care of skin - and it shows! The main goal of his treatment was simply to brighten the skin and give it the kind of fresh glow one would expect in the summer months. To achieve this we opted for a combination of dermaplaning and LED Light Therapy.

Dermaplaning gently scrapes away dead skin, not only offering a smoother complexion but also presenting a window of opportunity for us to infuse ultra-hydrating serums into the skin.

We followed this with LED Light Therapy to increase circulation in the face, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the surface and giving the skin a naturally brighter and healthier glow.

Katie Collins | @katie__ku

Katie’s current schedule has made it difficult for her to be consistent with a skin care routine, so the goal of her treatment was to give the skin a deep cleanse and some TLC.

I used a painless enzyme peel to shift away dead skin and essentially create a blank canvas for us to infuse nourishing and hydrating serums into the skin.

I also ensured Katie’s skin was protected with an occlusive moisturiser before her cold and windy cycle home. This is something I’m encouraging her to consider in her daily skin care routine as the cold wind can be brutal for those who cycle frequently in winter.